ComNets Lab

Call for Chapters for forthcoming book: Smart-cities: Performability, Cognition & Security

Call for Chapters for forthcoming book: Smart-cities: Performability, Cognition & Security

  1. Editor: Prof. Fadi Al-Turjman (Computer Engineering Department, Antalya Bilim University, Antalya, Turkey,

  2. Publisher: The book will be published in EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book series.

  3. Theme: One of the hottest areas in technology nowadays is, without a doubt, the Smart-cities paradigm. Smart-cities and cognition are considered one of the most significant topics in the literature. Cognition in communication and infrastructure implementation is at the heart of this concept, and its security is a key issue in it. This book is dedicated to addressing the major challenges in realizing cognition/intelligence in Smart-cities and secure data access in the era of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT). Challenges vary from cost and algorithmic complexity to availability and service quality. The aim of this book is hence to focus on both the design and implementation aspects of the intelligent and secure approaches in Smart-cities applications that are enabled and supported by the Cloud and IoT paradigms. In addition, it aims at providing the reader an insight overview of what is going on the Smart-cities in terms of these approaches‘ performability and outcomes assessment. And every effort that can be spent in evaluating the graceful degradation in this paradigm.

  4. Topics: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Pattern recognition in Smart-cities; Smart-cities-based Machine Learning; Embodied robotics; Smart-cities Biometrics and Bioinformatics; Cognitive signal processing; Intelligent data mining and forecasting; Cognitive sensor networks; Multi-agent systems applications; Intelligent telecommunications and transportation systems; Game theory and security; Cognitive material sciences; Space, weather, climate systems, and performability in Smart-cities; Combustion system simulation; Medical applications and performability; Inteligent structural engineering; Computer graphics and performability; Face recognition and security; Blockchain and remote sensing; Ubiquitous computing; Virtual reality; Agent-based modeling; Computational economics and the bitcoin; Computational statistics; Fuzzy logic and Emerging applications in Smart IoT/Cloud paradigms.

  5. Target Audience: The target audience includes researchers, practitioners and (Masters/PhD) students. Therefore, chapters need to address both scientific and practical implications of the research.

  6. Type of Contributions and Length: Book Chapter

    Chapter Length:
    In general, your chapter should be approximately 25-35 double-spaced Microsoft Word pages, inclusive of references. Figures/Tables/Charts/Illustrations: All illustrations submitted in color will be reproduced in color in all iterations of the volume—at no cost to you. Figures must be sent as separate files (preferably TIFF or EPS with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; PDF, JPG, and PowerPoint files may also be acceptable for certain simple figures) and must not be embedded in the chapter. Abstracts: Your chapter should include a succinct abstract—a preview for your chapter—that contains approximately 150-200 words/11 lines. The abstract is important, as it will appear in Google Scholar and in other abstract and indexing databases. I should point out that abstracts are mandatory for our online book chapters to entice readers with an overview of the chapter contents. If an abstract is not supplied, we will go ahead and use the first paragraph for this purpose. Since often the first paragraph is not a summary of the chapter contents, many authors wish to supply the abstract. Callouts: You must indicate in the chapter where each figure, table, chart, etc. should be placed (for example, Insert Figure 1 here or Insert Figure 4.5 here). Keywords: In the beginning of your chapter, please include 5-10 keywords. Keywords are important as they are indexed in Google Scholar and other search engines. This will also be used to generate a subject Index. Corresponding Author Information: On the title page of your chapter, please indicate who among the chapter authors is the corresponding author of chapter (that is, the chapter author responsible for submitting the chapter and whose contact information appears along with his/her name on the chapter). Please also include all appropriate contact information (email addresses) and affiliation information for the co-authors. (Note: The corresponding author alone signs the Consent to Publish form for all contributors to a chapter.)

  7. Review Process: There will be a two-stage review process. In the first stage potential authors will be invited to submit an abstract of 500 words. The editor will review the abstract to evaluate if the proposed book chapter (1) fits to the theme of the book, (2) makes a substantial practical or scientific contribution and (3) is of interest to the target audience. In the second stage the selected authors will be invited to submit a full version of the proposed book chapter. (It is expected that the book will have 12 to 15 chapters.) This full version will be reviewed by a reviewer, who is selected based on the topic of the book chapter, as well as the book editors. The review process by the reviewers (other than the editors) is double blind. Based on the outcome of the review process, the authors will be requested to revise their book chapters and to submit the final version. If the editors are satisfied with the revision of the book chapter, the authors will be invited to submit a camera-ready version of the paper.

  8. Deadlines: Submission of abstracts (500 words): Oct. 30, 2018
    Submission of full chapter: Dec. 10, 2018
    Final Book Manuscript should be submited on or before Jan. 1, 2019.

  9. Submission and Formatting: Abstracts should be submitted as plain Word (2010 or higher) or PDF files by e-mail to The abstract should contain: 1) Title of the proposed chapter 2) Author(s) of the chapter (including affiliation) 3) Type of contribution (case study, full research paper or conceptual paper) 4) Estimated amounts of pages (excl. references) 5) Abstract of 500 words describing contents of the book chapter (incl. methodology) 6) Keywords (at least 2 and maximum of 5) Full book chapters will also be submitted through e-mail to Full book chapters need to be formatted according the Springer instructions and submitted in Word (2010 or higher) or PDF format. These formatting instructions will be e-mailed together with the acceptance notification of your abstract.

For further questions, please contact Prof. Fadi Al-Turjman (


We are calling chapters/papers when the occasion arises. Please find our chapter/paper calls here.